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Pension Wise est plus que jamais nécessaire

Nos spécialistes en orientation Pension Wise ont aidé les clients à trouver des caisses de retraite dont ils ignoraient l'existence, et ils les ont aidés à réclamer des abattements fiscaux dont ils ignoraient l'existence. À la suite de la pandémie de Covid, nous parlons à plus de personnes que jamais de leurs choix de retraite à cotisations définies.

Conformément aux directives du gouvernement, nous avons suspendu tous les services en face à face jusqu'à nouvel ordre afin de protéger la santé de nos clients, de notre personnel et de nos bénévoles.

À la lumière de cela, notre priorité est de permettre à nos bénévoles actuels d'exercer leurs fonctions depuis chez eux et d'aider les stagiaires existants à progresser dans leurs rôles.

C'est avec regret que nous ne pouvons accepter de nouveaux stagiaires bénévoles pour le moment.

A Message from Citizens Advice Liverpool:

The project team has been full of passion and dedication to their work, led by Cosi Doerfel Hill since 2019 and Beth Saunders since 2021 with support of Adviser Paola Brazoban and the essential mentoring support throughout of Jennifer Mirdamadi.


The project trained 30 volunteers throughout the project and was able to support over 5000 vulnerable EU citizens who needed to protect their rights in the UK following Brexit and has submitted around 1500 applications on behalf of clients, making an enormous impact on the lives of all of these residents by making them a little safer from being forced into exploitative situations as a result of the hostile environment policies.


A reminder that the Hong Kong Welcome programme we supported earlier this year has also ended and clients asking for support should be referred to the Manchester Hub  

Our Immigration team of volunteers were also recognised nationally this year at the Citizen's Advice Conference Awards, winning Volunteer Team of the Year for 2022. Congratulations to the whole team and to all of the other volunteers who were shortlisted across England and Wales. 

Other EUSS Organisations

Migrant Help

Migrant Help offers support and advice with EUSS applications across the UK. 

Telephone: 07483 090 721



Settled UK 

Settled UK is an independent organisation that was set up by European nationals for European nationals and their family members to help them apply to the EU Settlement Scheme. They are also now operating a service for Ukranian nationals too. 

Other grant-funded organisations across UK can be found on the Government website

All of these organisations take national referrals. They are not based in Liverpool and therefore there is no offer of face-to-face advice. E-mail and telephone only. All organisations are free, independent and offer interpreters.

"We could not have managed without your help"

Our dedicated, multilingual team helped more than 2,500 people secure the immigration status they need to stay in the UK.

EUSS team photo (most volunteers).png

Thank You

To all the staff and volunteers for all their hard work for the duration of this project.

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