Faites du bénévolat avec nous
Faire du bénévolat avec Citizens Advice Liverpool est un excellent moyen d'acquérir des compétences, de se faire des amis et de se sentir membre d'une équipe enthousiaste. Cela peut être un plaisir fantastique et aussi extrêmement gratifiant.
Nous sommes attachés à l'égalité des chances et offrons un accueil chaleureux à chaque bénévole, quelle que soit son origine.
By becoming a volunteer, you can boost both your employability and wellbeing.
We have a diverse and inclusive workforce, and offer a range of support to meet the needs of all our volunteers.
With us, you will…
Make a real difference to peoples’ lives
Gain new skills and knowledge and build experience for employment
Use and develop existing skills in varied and rewarding roles
Improve your health, wellbeing, confidence and self-esteem
Meet new people from a range of backgrounds and ages, and make friends
Get to know the local community and give something back
Experience expert training and support and feel part of a team
Potential volunteer roles include:
Giving Advice
Benefits Form Filling
Research and Campaigns

Have a look at Toutubon and Mollie's volunteer journey with us.