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Jill Appleton

Head of Money Advice and Financial Inclusion Services

At Citizens Advice Liverpool, I work as a Project Lead for three projects: the GMMAP debt advice project, Pension Wise and a NatWest Group project. 

I chose to work for Citizens Advice Liverpool as, in 2008, while working in financial services, the credit crunch was starting to hit my customers and I started to refer them to the local Citizens Advice for debt help. This sparked my interest into the work of Citizens Advice, and I was fortunate enough to find a role in debt advice several months’ later. I enjoy seeing how the projects I manage really help people in their daily lives.

Jill Appleton
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Registered charity number: 1169879

Company limited by guarantee
Registered number: 10286899 England

Registered address: 242 Picton Road, Liverpool, L15 4LP

Authorised and Regulated by Financial Conduct Authority

Citizens Advice Liverpool Limited: FRN-776447

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