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Leanne Campbell-Syers

Head of Partnerships and Innovations

I have worked with Citizens Advice Liverpool since 2015, having started in advice work and then in engagement work before being given the opportunity to move into Project Management. I have managed a variety of funded projects focusing on providing advice and support to people on a wide range of advice areas, such as Financial Capability, Universal Credit, Hate Crime and EU Settlement. 

I highly value volunteering and have myself volunteered in a number of roles outside of Citizens Advice Liverpool, including domestic abuse support, LGBTQ+ mental health support and child mentoring. 

The three things I love most about working for Citizens Advice Liverpool are the variety of work I am involved in week to week, the opportunities for continuous professional development, and the support given across and within teams to help us really make a difference together. 

Over the next year, I am looking forward to developing projects and services that listen, and respond, to the changing needs of people in Liverpool - making sure we are an inclusive, accessible service with a positive voice!

Leanne Campbell-Syers
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Registered charity number: 1169879

Company limited by guarantee
Registered number: 10286899 England

Registered address: 242 Picton Road, Liverpool, L15 4LP

Authorised and Regulated by Financial Conduct Authority

Citizens Advice Liverpool Limited: FRN-776447

© 2023 par Citizens Advice Liverpool

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