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Frank Hont

Chair of Board of Trustees

I have worked in both the public and private sectors, and was North West Regional Secretary of UNISON, the public sector trade union, for ten years, before taking early retirement in 2012. I was also a Liverpool City Councillor from 2014-2018. I am a lifelong trade unionist and have worked on social cohesion issues, antiracism and routes out of poverty for vulnerable groups in society, for many years. 

My involvement with Citizens Advice Liverpool, within the Third Sector, seems a perfect fit for me – and I have thoroughly enjoyed working for the past four years as chairperson, with our Trustees, staff and volunteers, in our ambition to make Liverpool a fairer and more inclusive city. As an Everton season ticket holder I know all about disappointment but hope springs eternal – and I stay hopeful for Citizens Advice Liverpool, my family and my city.

Frank Hont
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Fournir des conseils gratuits, confidentiels, impartiaux et indépendants aux habitants de Liverpool depuis 1939.
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Registered charity number: 1169879

Company limited by guarantee
Registered number: 10286899 England

Registered address: 242 Picton Road, Liverpool, L15 4LP

Authorised and Regulated by Financial Conduct Authority

Citizens Advice Liverpool Limited: FRN-776447

© 2023 par Citizens Advice Liverpool

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